Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Follow up on Etude House' Bubble Hair Coloring

Hi! I'd like to share an update on the bubble hair color I tried last week. Here's a pic that was taken last Friday (a day after coloring).


I must say, it did a good job of covering my roots (about an inch of regrowth) minus the ammonia smell.

HOWEVER it left my hair crazy dry and brittle! I've been dyeing my hair for quite some time now but I haven't experienced brittleness like this. It's been almost a week and still, post-shampoo it feels coarse. I have to put on intense   conditioner to soften my strands up.

Overall, I might just stick to regular dyes next time but I'd want to try other bubble dye brands though :)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Etude House: Bubble Hair Coloring Review

I'm baaaaaack! After months of not blogging :) It's been a pretty busy and fattening summer for me so far. I can't wait to share what awesome finds I got from the States :)

So anyway, to start the month I wanted to do a product review on the uso Asian bubble/foam hair dyes out there.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that Etude House, a Korean brand, is now carrying a foam/bubble type of hair dye similar to the Japanese ones like Palty and Prettia (which are sold online for a pretty hefty price if you asked me). I've been itching to order the Palty one for quite some time now, but the pre-order-online thing made me lazy. haha.

At P378 a box, it's pretty affordable compared to the Japanese bubble dye brands.